We Offer Two Types of Fly Fishing Wellness Retreat Programs

New Participant Retreat

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New Participant Retreats are available for women 18 years old and older, who have been diagnosed with or are surviving ANY type of cancer and have never participated in our retreat wellness programs.This retreat is for the participant only.  No spouse, caregiver, relative or significant other may attend. 

This retreat is for the participant only.  No spouse, caregiver, relative or significant other may attend. 

This retreat is 2-1/2 days in length. No previous fly fishing experience is required.

Reeling & Healing Midwest provides all the equipment, fly fishing instruction, river guides, lodging, and meals.

Certain physical requirements are required and vary depending on retreat location.

Participant may require and incur the cost of a one-day fishing license. Cost of license varies with retreat location and age of participant, $0-$11.

Retreat Registration: $40.00


Reunion Retreat


In 1998 we hosted the initial New Participant Retreat. It was so popular in the cancer support community that many participants contacted us requesting to attend again. They desired the opportunity to fly fish, wade in the river, and just have fun again. But they could only attend a New Participant Retreat once. So, our solution came with a new retreat program in 2005 – The Reeling & Healing Midwest Reunion Retreat. 

These retreats vary from one-day guided fly fishing outings or river float trips, to 2-1/2 days of semi-guide assisted retreats. Unlike our New Participant Retreats, the Reunion Retreats are less structured and concentrate more on fishing while encouraging additional fun on and off the river. Depending on the location, participants may have the option to not only wade the river, but enjoy a float trip and other optional activities too.

With basic instruction under your belt, Reeling & Healing Midwest provides equipment, refresher instruction and guide assistance (depending on the retreat type) at the Reunion Retreats. Certain physical requirements are required and vary depending on retreat location. The cost of meals, lodging and fishing license are paid for by the participant.  Cost varies from $40 to $395 depending on the length of the retreat, location, and choice of activities.


Renew Spirit. Renew Hope.
Fish On!